Eat This Not That! 9 Simple Food Swaps for Healthy Living
Let’s face it: We don’t always make wise choices when it comes to food. No matter how disciplined we try to be, we become victims of routine. But we’re here to tell you there are some simple food hacks that can help you, even when you are eating out.
There are hundreds of ways to make simple food substitutions to improve your health and make you feel better, maybe even drop a few pounds. Here are nine simple food swaps you can make today for a healthier lifestyle:
Ditch the O.J. Grab an orange.
The next time you pour yourself a glass of orange juice — or order it at your favorite breakfast restaurant — think of this: An eight-ounce serving of O.J. is loaded with 24 grams of sugar. You know those sugar packets? They are four grams each. So for every glass of O.J. you drink, you are consuming EIGHT of those packets. Gross! Instead, eat an actual orange. It’s one of the healthiest foods on the planet. You will be consuming half the amount of sugar, plus you will receive the benefit of at least three grams of fiber. Mix it up with an occasional grapefruit!
Ditch the white rice. Grab some cauliflower.
Jasmine rice tastes good, but it has a walloping 160 calories for a quarter cup. I hate to break it to you, but most restaurants’ average serving is 1/2 cup, meaning you are adding 320 calories just for the rice. That’s ridiculous! Have you tried “ricing” cauliflower? Consider making it the way the Minimalist Baker does. This texture of this fiber-rich veggie can be substituted for rice and you will barely notice the difference. Not only that, you will be loading up your body with Vitamin C, potassium, and a little protein. And here’s the awesome news: You can TRIPLE your portion size and still save a ton of calories — only 30 in 3/4 cup of cauliflower.
Ditch the sugary treat. Grab Havasu Nutrition Collagen Gummies.
If you crave sugar in the afternoons, that just means you are normal. Our body is looking for some quick carbs for a little extra energy a few hours after lunch. Many of us reach for some M&Ms or Skittles or some other sweet treat. To quell that temptation, keep Havasu Nutrition Collagen Gummies nearby. Not only are Collagen Gummies bursting with natural fruit flavors (trust us, they taste AWESOME!), but they also are pectin-based so you start to break down the gummy when it hits your mouth. That makes it easier to digest and absorb the ingredients. Just two gummies fill your body with 80 mg of Vitamin C, 14 mg of Vitamin E, and 5 mg of Zinc. PLUS, 50 mg of Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body. By the time we hit our late 20s, our natural collagen starts depleting, leading to wrinkles and other signs of aging. Two Collagen Gummies a day not only help slow the wrinkling process, they also improve your hair, nails, and skin.
Ditch the chips. Grab some popcorn.
Take a peek into any cupboard or pantry and I am sure you will find a bag of chips or pretzels. But if you are looking for something salty and crunchy, pop some corn. Popcorn is actually a whole grain and gives you more fiber than chips. One serving of chips (a healthy handful) is loaded with 149 calories and less than one gram of fiber. One serving of popcorn is 3 1/2 cups and has 110 calories and four grams of fiber. To make sure it’s heart healthy, steer clear of microwave popcorn and skip the fat-laden butter on those movie theater tubs.
Ditch the can of soda. Grab a can of seltzer.
This one is so freaking obvious that there is little need to go into details here. You KNOW that soda is not a healthy choice, right? Even diet sodas are no good. They have the opposite effect of their marketing, producing a chemical reaction in the body that adds fat. Aspartame is one of the biggest no’s on any label. But there are times you just NEED something sweet and fizzy. There is no added sugar in seltzers and many brands come in fruit flavors. Spindrift (watermelon or lime) is a fixture in our house.
Ditch the flour tortilla. Grab a corn tortilla.
Not only do corn tortillas have fewer calories than flour tortillas, they also have more fiber. As you probably know, fiber helps balance blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling full. Added bonus: Fiber lowers cholesterol levels. You don’t have to quit Mexican food (wouldn’t that be horrible?). Just make the simple swap from flour to corn tortillas, and think about making your own.
Ditch the BLT. Grab a Cobb salad.
For us, there is nothing better for brunch than a crunchy bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Whoever invented this simple concoction nailed it! And the person who decided to kick it up a notch by adding avocado (the BLAT), gets some kudos too. But ordering a Cobb salad instead of the BLT is not too shabby of an option. You get all those delicious flavors. You will avoid all those carbs from the bread and get all the fiber and goodness from the greens. Delish and NYT Cooking have the lowdown on how to make it really good.
Ditch the croutons. Grab some seeds or nuts.
Once again, let’s eliminate the carbs and add some protein and fiber. If you want crunch in your salad, toss in some walnuts, almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds or whatever else you like. Croutons are basically stale bread, oil and herbs. (We love them too, but this is just a fact!) Seeds or nuts will give you the crunch and help with your overall health.
Ditch the bagel. Grab some whole-grain toast.
A cinnamon raisin bagel at your typical bagel shop is loaded with 310 calories, 65 grams of carbs, 10 grams of sugar, and 480 mg of sodium. Add just a schmear of cream cheese and add another 130 calories. Do you really want to add 440 calories and all that other stuff with your morning coffee? Swap that out and eat two slices of whole-grain toast. Or whole-grain muffin, with some Wild Alaskan smoked salmon, sliced avocado, a drizzle of olive oil, and some Trader Joe’s sesame seasoning blend. Yum!
You know in your heart that it is the right thing to do. And you know your heart will thank you.
Thank you for reading.
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